MS Dynamics AX training

MS Dynamics AX training

Microsoft Dynamics AX training will help you develop the skills and knowledge required for a career as a Microsoft Dynamics AX developer. It provides in-detailed knowledge of all the key fundamentals of Microsoft Dynamics AX such as architecture, visual studio, user interfaces, application explorer, workflow, and more through real-world examples and projects.Enroll & Get Certified now!

  • ✔ Course Duration : 32 hrs - 48 hrs / Course
  • ✔ Training Options : Live Online / Self-Paced / Classroom
  • ✔ Certification Pass : Guaranteed

MS Dynamics AX training

Microsoft Dynamics AX training will help you develop the skills and knowledge required for a career as a Microsoft Dynamics AX developer. It provides in-detailed knowledge of all the key fundamentals of Microsoft Dynamics AX such as architecture, visual studio, user interfaces, application explorer, workflow, and more through real-world examples and projects.

What you will Learn

  • Understanding the Workflow Management
  • Implementing the best Practices on Microsoft Dynamics
  • Managing SSRS Reports
  • Using The Run Base Framework


  • There are no specific prerequisites for learning Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical. Anyone interested in learning this technology can join the training.


Financials I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module explains how to work with the chart of accounts and it’s multiple dimensions. These dimensions may be used to track profits, cost centers, and other financial information. Allocation rules and methods are also discussed in this course.

  • Currency and Exchange Rate Setup
  • Periods and Fiscal Year Setup
  • Date Intervals
  • Reason Codes
  • Financial Dimensions
  • Financial Dimension Sets
  • Period Allocations
Lab : Assign Ledger Account Dimension Values
Lab : Setup a Currency Exchange Rate
Lab : Create Periods in a New Fiscal Year
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Set up Currencies and Exchange Rates.
  • Create Periods in a new Fiscal Year.
  • Create Date Intervals.
  • Create, modify and delete Reason Codes.
  • Create a Financial Dimension value.
  • Create a Dimension Set.
  • Set up Allocation Rules.
  • Contrast the various Allocation Methods.

This module discusses the set up of the chart of accounts. Topics include account categories, creating new accounts, defining account information and creating ledgers.

  • Main Account Categories
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Main Account Information
  • Main Account Administration Information
  • Main Account Setup Information
  • Configuring Account Structures
  • Advanced Rules
  • Ledger Setup
  • Accounts for Automatic Transactions
  • Inquiries and Reports Related to the Chart of Accounts
Lab : Account Allocation TermsLab : Enter a Main Account
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create, edit, close or delete Main Account Categories.
  • Create a new account in the Chart of Accounts.
  • Define Main Account information.
  • Define Administration information for the main Chart of Accounts.
  • Define setup information for the main Chart of Accounts.
  • Set up Account Structures.
  • Set up Advanced Rules.
  • Create a Ledger.
  • Set up Accounts for automatic transactions.
  • View Inquiries and Reports related to the Chart of Accounts.

This module explains the basic setup procedures for journals, including journal names, controls, and texts.

  • Journal Setup
  • Journal Controls
  • Journal Descriptions
  • Balance Control Accounts
  • General Ledger Parameters
Lab : Set Up Journals
    Set up the Vendor Invoice Journal Set up the Rent Journal Set up Journal Text for the Rent Journal
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Set up Journal Names. Set up Journal Controls. Create Journal Texts. Set up Balance Control Accounts. Set up General Ledger Parameters.

This module focuses on journal management and journal transactions. Review, change and modification of journals are discussed in this course.

  • General Ledger Journals
  • Enter General Ledger Transactions
  • Posting Multiple Journals
  • Approval Journals
  • Gathering Data for an Approval Journal
  • Voucher Templates
  • Periodic Journals
  • General Ledger Transaction Reversal
  • Reversing Entries – General Journal
  • Inquire and View Reports on Daily Journal Transactions
Lab : Daily Transactions
    Create the Journal Create the Journal Lines Post the Journal Create the General Journal Validate the General Journal Review the Balance Control Set up the Journal Name Create the Periodic Journal Post the Entry
Lab : Daily Transactions with Balance Control
    Create the Journal Create the Journal Lines Post the Journal Create the General Journal Validate the General Journal Review the Balance Control Set up the Journal Name Create the Periodic Journal Post the Entry
Lab : Entering Periodic Transactions
    Create the Journal Create the Journal Lines Post the Journal Create the General Journal Validate the General Journal Review the Balance Control Set up the Journal Name Create the Periodic Journal Post the Entry
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Create General Ledger Journals. Enter General Ledger Transactions. Post Multiple Journals. Create Approval Journals. Demonstrate data needed to create an Approved Journal. Create a Voucher Template Create and retrieve Periodic Journals. General Ledger Transaction Reversal. Create General Ledger Reversing Entries. Inquire and report on Daily Journal Transactions.

This module introduces the functionality available for handling sales tax in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Information regarding tax calculations options, posting and reporting can be handled is discussed along with how to enter sales tax transactions.

  • Sales Tax Overview
  • Ledger Posting Groups
  • Sales Tax Authorities
  • Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Sales Tax Codes
  • Sales Tax Code Intervals
  • Sales Tax Groups
  • Item Sales Tax Groups
  • Sales Tax Jurisdictions
  • Sales Tax Transactions
  • Sales Tax Exemption
  • Withholding Sales Tax
Lab : Create a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Create and Assign a Vendor to the Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Setup of Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Comprehensive Setup of Sales Tax
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Including Sales Tax in Journal Amounts
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : EU 115 Sales Tax Directive
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Create a Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
Lab : Set Up Sales Tax Codes Intervals
  • Set up the Ledger Account
  • Set up the Ledger Posting Group
  • Set up the Vendor
  • Assign the Vendor to the Authority
  • Set up the Tax Settlement
  • Set up the Periods Tab
  • Edit the Tax Code Record
  • Edit the Existing Line by Adding Dates
  • Create the rest of the Lines
  • Set up a Vendor
  • Set up accounts in the Chart of Accounts for Sales Tax Payable
  • Set up Ledger Posting Groups
  • Set up a Sales Tax Authority
  • Set up Sales Tax Settlement Periods
  • Set up Sales Tax Codes and Intervals
  • Set up a Sales Tax Group
  • Record an Invoice in the Accounts Payable Journal
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create Ledger Posting Groups.
  • Create Sales Tax Authorities.
  • Create Sales Tax Settlement Periods.
  • Create Sales Tax Codes.
  • Create Sales Tax Intervals.
  • Create Sales Tax Groups.
  • Create Item Sales Tax Groups.
  • Set up Sales Tax Jurisdictions.
  • Create Sales Tax Transactions.
  • Create Sales Tax Exempt Data.
  • Calculate and Post Withholding Sales Tax.

This module focuses on features that are used across the various financial modules of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Topics include financial reason codes and the fill utility.

  • Financial Reason Codes
  • Fill Utility
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create Financial Reason Codes.
  • Modify Financial Reason Codes.
  • Delete Financial Reason Codes.
  • Identify how and when to use the Fill Utility.

This module introduces the concepts and methods used to create and maintain bank accounts. Topics include setting up bank accounts, bank transactions types, transaction groups, bank parameters and payment purpose codes.

  • Bank Transaction Types
  • Bank Transaction Groups
  • Cash and Bank Management Parameters
  • Payment Purpose Codes
  • Bank Groups
  • Bank Accounts
  • Check Layout
Lab : Create a Bank Group and Bank Account
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Cash Withdrawals
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Bank Charges
  • Create a new Account
  • Create a new Bank Group
  • Create the new Bank Account
Lab : Define a Check Layout
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Cash Withdrawals
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Bank Charges
  • Create a new Account
  • Create a new Bank Group
  • Create the new Bank Account
Lab : Create Bank Transaction Types and Bank Transaction Groups
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Cash Withdrawals
  • Create a Bank Transaction Type for Bank Charges
  • Create a new Account
  • Create a new Bank Group
  • Create the new Bank Account
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Set up Cash Bank Transaction Types.
  • Set up Bank Transaction Groups.
  • Set up Bank Parameters.
  • Set up Payment Purpose Codes.
  • Set up Bank Groups.
  • Create a Bank Account.
  • Define the Check Layout for a Bank Account.

This module focuses on the available processes to manage bank transactions including creating checks, deleting checks, voiding checks, creating a bank deposit entry, reverse a check payment, bank remittances, refund checks and bank statement reconciliation.

  • Create Checks
  • Delete a Check
  • Deposit Slips
  • Void Unposted Checks
  • Refund Checks
  • Bank Remittance
  • Payment Reversal
  • Reconcile a Bank Account
Lab : Create and Delete a Check
    Create Checks Delete Checks Create a Customer Payment Journal Verify the Deposit Slip Cancel the Deposit Slip Verify the Deposit Slip is Canceled
Lab : Create a Deposit Slip
    Create Checks Delete Checks Create a Customer Payment Journal Verify the Deposit Slip Cancel the Deposit Slip Verify the Deposit Slip is Canceled
Lab : Check Refund
    Create Checks Delete Checks Create a Customer Payment Journal Verify the Deposit Slip Cancel the Deposit Slip Verify the Deposit Slip is Canceled
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Create Checks. Delete Checks. Create a Bank Deposit Entry. Void Checks. Create a Refund that Prints a Check. Use Bank Remittances. Reverse a Posted Check Payment. Reconcile Bank Statements.

This module describes the different Accounts Payable setup options. It discusses setup procedures and defaults including topics such as payment options, vendor setup and posting profiles.

  • Payment Schedule
  • Terms of Payment
  • Payment Days
  • Cash Discounts
  • Payment Fee
  • Methods of Payment
  • Vendor Groups
  • Accounts Payable Posting Profiles
  • Accounts Payable Vendors
Lab : Terms of Payment
  • Create a new Method of Payment
  • Assign the new Method of Payment to a Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor Group
  • Assign the Automatic Posting to the new Vendor Group
  • Create a New Vendor
Lab : Method of Payment, Terms of Payment, and Cash Discount
  • Create a new Method of Payment
  • Assign the new Method of Payment to a Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor Group
  • Assign the Automatic Posting to the new Vendor Group
  • Create a New Vendor
Lab : Vendor Posting Profile
  • Create a new Method of Payment
  • Assign the new Method of Payment to a Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor Group
  • Assign the Automatic Posting to the new Vendor Group
  • Create a New Vendor
Lab : Vendors
  • Create a new Method of Payment
  • Assign the new Method of Payment to a Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor Group
  • Assign the Automatic Posting to the new Vendor Group
  • Create a New Vendor
Lab : Create a Vendor Group
  • Create a new Method of Payment
  • Assign the new Method of Payment to a Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor Group
  • Assign the Automatic Posting to the new Vendor Group
  • Create a New Vendor
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a Payment Schedule.
  • Create Terms of Payment.
  • Create a Payment Day.
  • Set up a Cash Discount.
  • Create a Payment Fee.
  • Create a Method of Payment.
  • Set up Vendor Groups.
  • Set up Posting Profiles.
  • Create a new Vendor.

This module discusses the various invoice journals in the Accounts Payable module. It describes what to use each invoice journal for, and how to enter transactions in each journal.

  • Invoice Journals in Accounts Payable
  • Invoice Register
  • Invoice Approval Journal
  • Vendor Invoice Pool Excluding Posting Details
  • Invoice Journal
  • Voucher Template
  • Payment Journals
  • Prepayments
  • Invoice Matching
  • Charges to Purchase Order Invoices
  • Edit Open Transactions
  • Reverse a Closed Transaction
  • Print Management
Lab : Invoice Pool Excluding Posting
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
Lab : Invoice Journal
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
Lab : Payment Journals
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
Lab : Setup and Track a Prepayment
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
Lab : Reverse a Closed Transaction
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
Lab : Register an Invoice
  • Pre-register the Invoice and Transfer to an Invoice Pool
  • View the Invoice in the Invoice Pool
  • Create and Post an Invoice Approval Journal
  • Enter Invoices
  • Use the Invoice Approval Journal
  • Make Payments for the Invoices
  • Create a Purchase Order with a Request for a Prepayment
  • Post a Prepayment Invoice
  • Make a Payment for the Prepayment
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain the different Invoice Journals that are available.
  • Register and Approve an Invoice Journal.
  • Create an Invoice Journal.
  • Use a Voucher Template to create Vouchers.
  • Create a Payment Proposal.
  • Run a Payment Proposal for a Marked Settlement.
  • Create a Payment Journal.
  • Generate a Payment.
  • Set up a Prepayment.
  • Post a Prepayment.
  • Describe Invoice Matching.
  • Add Charges to a Purchase Order Invoice.
  • Edit Open Transactions.
  • Reverse a Closed Transaction.
  • Define Print Management Settings.

This module introduces the setup procedures and defaults used in the Accounts Receivable module. Topics discussed include creating payment schedules, terms of payment, payment days, payment fees, and methods of payment. Setting up customers, customer groups and posting profiles are also discussed.

  • Payment Schedule
  • Terms of Payment
  • Payment Days
  • Cash Discounts
  • Payment Fee
  • Methods of Payment
  • Customer Groups
  • Accounts Receivable Posting Profiles
  • Accounts Receivable Customers
Lab : Set up a Method of Payment
  • Create a new Term of Payment
  • Assign a new Term of Payment
  • Create a New Customer Group
  • Define Automatic Posting for the New Group
Lab : Create a Customer Group
  • Create a new Term of Payment
  • Assign a new Term of Payment
  • Create a New Customer Group
  • Define Automatic Posting for the New Group
Lab : Set Up a Customer Posting Profile
  • Create a new Term of Payment
  • Assign a new Term of Payment
  • Create a New Customer Group
  • Define Automatic Posting for the New Group
Lab : Create a Customer
  • Create a new Term of Payment
  • Assign a new Term of Payment
  • Create a New Customer Group
  • Define Automatic Posting for the New Group
Lab : Terms of Payment
  • Create a new Term of Payment
  • Assign a new Term of Payment
  • Create a New Customer Group
  • Define Automatic Posting for the New Group
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a Payment Schedule.
  • Create Terms of Payment.
  • Create a Payment Day.
  • Set up a Cash Discount.
  • Create a Payment Fee.
  • Create a Method of Payment.
  • Set up Customer Groups.
  • Set up Posting Profiles.
  • Create a new Customer.

This module discusses the free text invoice and payment journal and various other Accounts Receivable transactions that you use on a day to day basis in Accounts Receivable.

  • Free Text Invoice – Description and Usage
  • Payment Journals
  • Edit Open Transactions
  • Placing an Accounts Receivable Transaction on Hold
  • Reverse Settlements
  • Reimburse a Customer
  • Reason Codes
  • Print Management
Lab : Settlements – Entering an Accounts Receivable Payment Journal (Cash Receipt)
  • Create the Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice
  • Verify the Settlement
  • Set the Minimum Reimbursement Value
  • Create the Free Text Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice and the Payment
  • Record the Reimbursement
Lab : Edit Open Transactions
  • Create the Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice
  • Verify the Settlement
  • Set the Minimum Reimbursement Value
  • Create the Free Text Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice and the Payment
  • Record the Reimbursement
Lab : Reverse a Settlement
  • Create the Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice
  • Verify the Settlement
  • Set the Minimum Reimbursement Value
  • Create the Free Text Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice and the Payment
  • Record the Reimbursement
Lab : Create Free Text Invoices
  • Create the Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice
  • Verify the Settlement
  • Set the Minimum Reimbursement Value
  • Create the Free Text Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice and the Payment
  • Record the Reimbursement
Lab : Reimburse a Customer
  • Create the Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice
  • Verify the Settlement
  • Set the Minimum Reimbursement Value
  • Create the Free Text Invoice
  • Create and Post the Payment Journal
  • Settle the Invoice and the Payment
  • Record the Reimbursement
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a Free Text Invoice.
  • Edit an Open Text Invoice.
  • Create a Payment Proposal.
  • Mark Customer Transactions for Settlement.
  • Create a Payment Journal.
  • Edit Open Transactions.
  • Place an Accounts Receivable Transaction on Hold.
  • Reverse a Settlement.
  • Reimburse a Customer.
  • Describe Reason Codes in Accounts Receivable.
  • Define Print Management Settings.
  • Examine Print Management Setup.

Financials II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module discusses the concepts of budgeting, how to set up basic budgeting and budget controls including budgeting rules and attributes.

  • Budgeting Overview
  • Basic Budgeting Setup
  • Budget Control
  • Configuring Budget Control
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Set up Basic Budgeting. Discuss the use of Budget Control. Define Rules and specify Attributes of Budget Control.

This module examines how to view the status and history of a budget. The process for using budget control on source documents and accounting journals is also discussed.

  • Budget Amounts
  • Using Budget Control
  • Budget Reporting and Inquiries
  • Budget Transaction Web Services
  • Integrated Budgeting
  • Transfer Budgets To and From General Ledger
Lab : Create and Manage Budgets
    Create Budget Register Entries Use Budget Control on a Purchase Order
Lab : Create a Budget Transfer
    Create Budget Register Entries Use Budget Control on a Purchase Order
Lab : Use Budget Control on a Purchase Order
    Create Budget Register Entries Use Budget Control on a Purchase Order
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Describe how to enter Budget data. Describe how to use Budget data on a Purchase Order. View the status of Budget register entries. Inquire about Budgets. Describe the features to support transferring Budget data. Review Budgeting Integrations. Describe the steps to transfer a Budget.

This module discusses the process of defining an encumbrance and creating a purchase order encumbrance. It also discusses the entry and analysis of an encumbrance transaction and the processing of year-end commitments.

  • Defining Purchase Order Encumbrances
  • Setting Up Encumbrances
  • Purchase Order Encumbrance Transactions
  • Encumbrance Year-End Process
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Define an Encumbrance. Create a Purchase Order Encumbrance. Analyze a Purchase Order Encumbrance Transaction. Process Year-End Commitments.

This module discusses the relationship of cash flows to modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX. It discusses how to set up cash flow forecasting and define a cash flow forecast budget model. It also demonstrates how to create and calculate cash flow transactions.

  • Relationship of Cash Flow to Other Modules
  • Set Up Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Define a Cash Flow Forecast Budget Model
  • Create Cash Flow Transactions
  • Calculate Cash Flow Transactions
Lab : Set Up a Ledger Account for Cash Flow Forecasting
Lab : Set Up a Dependent Ledger Account
Lab : Create a Budget Entry to Include in Cash Flow
Lab : Calculate Cash Flow Transactions
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain the Relationship of Cash Flow to other Modules.
  • Set up Cash Flow Forecasting.
  • Define a Cash Flow Forecast Budget Model.
  • Create Cash Flow Transactions.
  • Calculate Cash Flow Transactions.
  • View online data and print Cash Flow reports.

This module discusses the setup required for foreign currency revaluation. It also discusses how to run revaluation in different modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • Setup
  • Foreign Currency Revaluation
  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Exchange Rate Adjustments
Lab : Accounts Receivable Foreign Currency Revaluation
  • Review the Customer Information
  • Verify each Currency has an Exchange Rate Set Up
  • Run the Exchange Rate Adjustment
  • Review the Customer Information for any Updates
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Complete the setup steps that are required for Foreign Currency Revaluation.
  • Run Foreign Currency Revaluation in General Ledger.
  • Run Foreign Currency Revaluation in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

This module describes the processing and setup of advanced customer and vendor payments in Microsoft Dynamics AX including bridging accounts, electronic payments, centralized payments, bills of exchange and prepayments.

  • Bridging Accounts
  • Electronic Vendor Payments
  • Electronic Customer Payments
  • Centralized Payments
  • Prepayments (Deposits)
  • Bill of Exchange Administration
  • Ledger Accrual
Lab : Bridging AccountsLab : Prepayments SetupLab : Ledger Accrual
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create and process a Bridging Account Method of Payment.
  • Set up and process Electronic Vendor Payments.
  • Set up and process Electronic Customer Payments.
  • Set up and process Centralized Payments.
  • Set up and process Prepayments.
  • Set up and process Bills of Exchange.
  • Set up and apply Ledger Accruals.

This module introduces the concepts of intercompany accounting. Topics discussed in this course include the review and posting of intercompany transactions, the setup of for intercompany accounting, and how to trace an intercompany transaction.

  • Post Intercompany Transactions
  • Intercompany Posting Setup
  • Post an Intercompany Transaction
  • Trace an Intercompany Entry
Lab : Enter and Post an Intercompany Transaction
Lab : Trace an Intercompany Transaction
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Post an Intercompany Transaction.
  • Complete the setup for Intercompany Accounting.
  • Trace an Intercompany Transaction.

This module discusses the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX to consolidate subsidiary companies into a single consolidated company. Topics that are covered include how to set up a subsidiary company, setup of a consolidated company and how to perform a consolidation.

  • Set Up a Consolidation Company
  • Set Up a Subsidiary Company
  • Perform a Consolidation
  • Consolidations Inquiry
  • View and Delete Consolidation Transactions
  • Intercompany Eliminations
Lab : Set Up a Consolidation Company
  • Review the General Ledger Parameter.
  • Designate the System Account.
  • Define the Consolidation Exchange Rates.
Lab : Perform a Consolidation
  • Review the General Ledger Parameter.
  • Designate the System Account.
  • Define the Consolidation Exchange Rates.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Set up a Consolidation Company.
  • Set up a Subsidiary Company.
  • Perform a Consolidation.
  • View the Consolidation Inquiry.
  • View and Delete Consolidation Transactions.
  • Describe Intercompany Eliminations.

This module describes how to set up and process customer statements, collection letters and interest notes to help in the collection process.

  • Customer Account Statement
  • Set Up Collection Letters
  • Process Collection Letters
  • Set Up Interest Codes
  • Calculate Interest
  • Managing Collections and Collection Agents
  • View and Manage Collections Information
  • Advanced Collections Management Tasks
Lab : Set Up a Collection Letter
    Set the Accounts Receivable Parameters Create and Define a Collection Letter Sequence Attach the Collection Letter Sequence to a Posting Profile Create a Collection Letter Review, Print, and Post the Collection Letter Create an Interest Code Attach the New Interest Code to the Posting Profile Check the Accounts Receivable Parameters Update the Customer Aging Snapshot Update the Status of the Invoice Send an Email including the Customer Statement
Lab : Manage the Collections Process
    Set the Accounts Receivable Parameters Create and Define a Collection Letter Sequence Attach the Collection Letter Sequence to a Posting Profile Create a Collection Letter Review, Print, and Post the Collection Letter Create an Interest Code Attach the New Interest Code to the Posting Profile Check the Accounts Receivable Parameters Update the Customer Aging Snapshot Update the Status of the Invoice Send an Email including the Customer Statement
Lab : Set Up an Interest Code
    Set the Accounts Receivable Parameters Create and Define a Collection Letter Sequence Attach the Collection Letter Sequence to a Posting Profile Create a Collection Letter Review, Print, and Post the Collection Letter Create an Interest Code Attach the New Interest Code to the Posting Profile Check the Accounts Receivable Parameters Update the Customer Aging Snapshot Update the Status of the Invoice Send an Email including the Customer Statement
Lab : Collection Letter
    Set the Accounts Receivable Parameters Create and Define a Collection Letter Sequence Attach the Collection Letter Sequence to a Posting Profile Create a Collection Letter Review, Print, and Post the Collection Letter Create an Interest Code Attach the New Interest Code to the Posting Profile Check the Accounts Receivable Parameters Update the Customer Aging Snapshot Update the Status of the Invoice Send an Email including the Customer Statement
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Print Customer Statements. Set up and create Collection Letters. Process Collection Letters. Set up Interest Codes. Calculate Interest. Work with the Collections List Page and Detail Forms. Waive, reinstate or reverse Interest and Fees in one step. Create Write-off transactions in one step. Process Non-Sufficient Funds payments in one step.

This module describes how to set up one or more workflow configurations, select a configuration and activate workflow.

  • Workflow Types
  • Workflow Configurations
  • Workflow Approvals
  • General Ledger Workflow
  • Accounts Payable Workflow
  • Accounts Receivable Workflow
  • Managing Workflows
After completing this module, students will be able to:
    Define Workflow Types. Configure Financial Workflows. Define Approval Processes. Create a General Ledger Approval. Create an Accounts Payable Approval. Create an Accounts Receivable Approval. Modify an Existing Workflow.

This module discusses the year-end processes necessary in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Topics covered in this course include creating a new fiscal year, how to hold or close a period, create a closing sheet and setting up fiscal year parameters.

  • Create a New Fiscal Year
  • Control Transactions in a Closing Period
  • Create and Post a Closing Sheet
  • Transfer Opening Balances
Lab : Year-End Close
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a new Fiscal Year.
  • Understand Control Transactions in a Closing Period.
  • Hold or Close a Period.
  • Create a Closing Sheet.
  • Make Adjustments or Transfers between Accounts.
  • Transfer Opening Balances.
  • Set up Fiscal Year Parameters.

This module discusses the steps and processes to create a financial statement in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Topics covered include creating row and column definitions, creating and printing financial statements, and creating and printing dimension statements.

  • Financial Statement Setup
  • Financial Statement Row Definition
  • Financial Statement Column Definition
  • Print a Financial Statement
  • Create a Balance Sheet
  • Dimension Reports
  • XBRL Taxonomy
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a Financial Statement.
  • Create a Row Definition.
  • Design the structure of a Row Definition.
  • Create a Column Definition.
  • Print a Financial Statement.
  • Create and print a Dimension Statement.
  • View Balances by Dimension Sets.
  • Import XBRL Taxonomies.

Installation and Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module provides an overview of the installation process and describes the servers used in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 environment.

  • Overview
  • Server Setup
  • Domain Accounts
  • Planning
  • Architecture
  • Planning Hardware and Software
  • RAID Subsystem
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Staff Skills Review
  • Naming Convention
  • Components
Lab : No Labs in this chapter.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Discuss the features and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • List the servers in a Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.
  • Review the requirements for domain accounts.
  • Discuss the steps for planning a Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.
  • Review the architecture for Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Discuss the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Explain how RAID disk subsystems can help customers achieve the best performance possible and how they can be protected from a devastating loss of data.
  • Describe considerations for in planning and disaster recovery.
  • Examine the skills that are needed by staff members to successfully install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe how to use the naming convention to keep installations organized.
  • Review the components in a Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.

This module provides details on how to install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Setup Utility
  • Install an Environment
  • Perform a Single-Computer Installation
  • Configuration Utilities
  • Install Microsoft Dynamics AX in Silent Mode
  • Office Add-Ins
  • Initialization Checklist
Lab : Install a test environment including a database with a model, and an AOS.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the features of the setup utility.
  • Install the database, application object server, application files, and the client.
  • Perform a single computer installation.
  • Use the client and server configuration utilities.
  • Run setup in silent mode.
  • Install and configure Microsoft Office Add-ins.
  • Process the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Initialization checklist.

This module shows how to use manage users using the security framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Security Overview
  • Authentication
  • Adding Users
  • Adding Active Directory Groups
  • Role Based Security
  • Extensible Data Security Framework
  • Customizing Security
Lab : Add a User
  • Add a user to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Add roles to users
  • Add users to roles
  • Add a role to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Lab : Grant a User Access to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Add a user to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Add roles to users
  • Add users to roles
  • Add a role to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Lab : Add a Role
  • Add a user to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
  • Add roles to users
  • Add users to roles
  • Add a role to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the architecture and components of security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Discuss the various types of user authentication available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Manually create a user.
  • Import users from Active Directory.
  • Manually add Active Directory groups.
  • Import Active Directory groups.
  • Discuss the components of role based security.
  • Assign users to roles.
  • Discuss the use of the extensible data security policy framework.
  • Customize security to meet your needs.

This module reviews Services and the Application Integration Framework within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Services Overview
  • Administration
  • Integration and Planning
  • Infrastructure and Deployment
  • Troubleshoot and Monitor Services
  • Security
Lab : Set Up an Enhanced Inbound Port
  • Set up an enhanced inbound port using services.
  • Install web services on IIS rather than on the AOS
Lab : Install Web Services on IIS
  • Set up an enhanced inbound port using services.
  • Install web services on IIS rather than on the AOS
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review how documents are exchanged with the Application Integration Framework and discuss the system services.
  • Explain how to set up and administer services.
  • Describe the integration features and how to plan for the integration.
  • Install web services on Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • Review tools for troubleshooting and monitoring services.
  • Discuss how services rely on the Windows Communication Foundation for security

This module shows how to setup and maintain Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • General Features
  • Architecture
  • Create a Workflow
  • Graphical Workflow Editor
  • Configure an Approval Element
  • Configure Decisions
  • Configure a Parallel Activity
  • Configure a Sub Workflow
  • Configure Line-Item Workflows
  • Configure Tasks
  • Completing a Workflow Configuration
  • Workflow Types
  • Administration
  • Inquiries and Reports
Lab : Configure an Approval on a Workflow
  • Create a new user workflow and add an approval element
  • Create a work item queue
  • Open the workflow editor
  • Modify a workflow to use the work item queue
Lab : Create a Work Item Queue
  • Create a new user workflow and add an approval element
  • Create a work item queue
  • Open the workflow editor
  • Modify a workflow to use the work item queue
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain some of the general features of workflow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Discuss the architecture of workflow.
  • Create a workflow and configure basic settings.
  • Describe the features and use of the workflow editor.
  • Configure an approval element.
  • Configure manual and conditional decisions.
  • Configure parallel activities.
  • Configure a sub-workflow.
  • Configure a line-item workflow.
  • Configure tasks for a workflow.
  • Complete a workflow including, reviewing errors, activating and viewing versions, and associating a workflow to organizations.
  • Review the various workflow types available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Set up workflow batch jobs.
  • Set up workflow notifications.
  • Create work item queues.
  • Review user performance on workflows.

This module reviews installing and configuring cubes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Cube Overview
  • Installation and Deployment
  • Configuration
  • Security
Lab : Deploying Default Cubes
  • Deploy the default cubes
  • Configure the default cubes
Lab : Configuring Default Cubes
  • Deploy the default cubes
  • Configure the default cubes
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the cubes and cube features that are provided with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Install Business Intelligence components.
  • Use the SQL Server Analysis Services Project wizard to deploy the default cubes.
  • Configure default cubes.
  • Set up security for OLAP data.

This module reviews the SSRS reporting architecture within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Overview
  • Planning Considerations for Reporting
  • Batch Support
  • Installation and Deployment
  • Configure Report Servers
  • Security Considerations
Lab : Setup a Report as Batch
  • Set up a report to run in batch
  • Use PowerShell cmdlets to deploy reports
Lab : Deploy Reports
  • Set up a report to run in batch
  • Use PowerShell cmdlets to deploy reports
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the reporting architecture in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review planning considerations for implementing the reporting features of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Discuss how to run a report in batch.
  • Install and deploy SSRS reports.
  • Configure a report server.
  • Discuss the security considerations for Reporting Services.

In this module Enterprise Portal concepts are discussed including: installation, security, deployment, authentication, configuration and administration.

  • About Enterprise Portal
  • Installation
  • Security and Authentication
  • Deployment
  • Configuration and Administration
Lab : No Labs in this chapter.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Discuss the components that make up Enterprise Portal.
  • Review the steps for installing Enterprise Portal.
  • Discuss security and authentication for access to Enterprise Portal.
  • Deploy Enterprise Portal.
  • Configure the components of Enterprise Portal.

In this module concepts used to administer Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 are discussed.

  • Model Management
  • System Monitoring
  • System Administration
  • Set Up and Manage Emails
  • Set Up and Manage Batch Processing
  • Set Up and Manage Alerts
Lab : Manage Models
  • Create, list and delete a model
  • Set up a batch job
  • Create an alert rule
Lab : Set Up a Batch Job
  • Create, list and delete a model
  • Set up a batch job
  • Create an alert rule
Lab : Set up an Alert Rule
  • Create, list and delete a model
  • Set up a batch job
  • Create an alert rule
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the steps for creating, exporting, listing and deleting models.
  • Discuss the monitoring tools available for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review the steps for basic administration set up.
  • Set up and manage email settings and parameters.
  • Describe the use of batch processing.
  • Create batch groups, jobs, and tasks.
  • Set up alerts.

This module reviews scenarios setup for the new organization hierarchy.

  • About Organizations and Organizational Hierarchies
  • Plan the Organizational Hierarchy
  • Working with Legal Entities
  • Working with Operational Units
  • Working with Organizational Hierarchies
  • Organization Hierarchy Examples
Lab : Organizational Hierarchies
  • Create new operating units and modify the organizational hierarchy
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe organizations and organizational hierarchies.
  • Review the process for planning an organizational hierarchy.
  • Create or modify a legal entity.
  • Create and modify operating units.
  • Create and modify an organization hierarchy.
  • Discuss examples of how to use organization hierarchies.

Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module provides an overview of fixed assets and its integration with other modules.

  • Fixed Assets Overview
  • Structure
  • Integration with Other Modules
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Define fixed assets.
  • Examine required functionality for fixed assets.
  • Describe the integration of the Fixed assets module with General ledger, Accounts payable, Accounts receivable, Project accounting, and Inventory management modules.

This module focuses on the setup procedures that are required for the Fixed assets module.

  • System Setup for Fixed Assets
  • Fixed Assets Module Setup
  • Parameters
  • Depreciation Methods
  • Depreciation Conventions
  • Depreciation Books Overview
  • Extended Functionality Features – Provision Types and Bonus Depreciation
  • Mass Update Depreciation Conventions for a Depreciation Book
Lab : Set Up Main Accounts
Lab : Set Up a Number Sequence
Lab : Set Up a Depreciation Profile
Lab : Set Up Value Models
Lab : Set Up a Fixed Asset Group
Lab : Set Up a Posting Profile
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review system setup for Fixed assets.
  • Review the basic setup requirements for the Fixed assets module.
  • Discuss the Value models, Asset Groups, Disposal and Posting profile components of Fixed assets setup.
  • Discuss the setup of Fixed assets parameters.
  • Explain how to sue the Capitalization threshold.
  • Describe, create, and change Reason codes in Fixed assets.
  • Review depreciation methods and conventions.
  • Provide an overview for Depreciation books.
  • Describe extended functionality setup requirements for Fixed assets.
  • Review Mass update depreciation conventions for a depreciation book.

This module focuses on the setup of assets.

  • Fixed Assets Form
  • Set Up Assets
  • Lend Assets
  • Assign Bar Codes to Assets
  • Asset Budgeting
  • Project Module Integration to Fixed Assets
Lab : Set Up a Fixed Asset
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the fields available in the Fixed assets form.
  • Differentiate between financial and non-financial information for assets.
  • Set up a fixed asset.
  • Show how to lend assets.
  • Assign bar codes to assets.
  • Complete asset budgeting.
  • Associate and manage fixed assets within the Projects form.
  • Review the fixed asset details associated with a project or subproject.

This module focuses on the different fixed asset Transaction Types, and detailed methods for recording those transactions.

  • Scenario
  • Typical Fixed Asset Transaction Types
  • Record Acquisitions
  • Create and Acquire Fixed Assets from Purchasing
  • Record Depreciation
  • Record Value Adjustments
  • Record Disposals
  • Transaction Reversals
  • Replacement Cost and Insured Value Update
  • Copy Fixed Assets and Change Fixed Asset Groups
  • Fixed Asset Additions
Lab : Acquiring an Asset Using the Inventory to Fixed Assets Journal
Lab : Depreciating an Asset Using a Proposal
Lab : Acquiring an Asset Using the Fixed Assets Journal
Lab : Dispose of an Asset Using the Fixed Assets Journal
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use asset Transaction Types.
  • Use journals to manually enter fixed asset transactions.
  • Control fixed asset acquisition transaction creation from purchasing.
  • Restrict user group permissions for posting fixed asset acquisition transactions in purchasing.
  • Create a fixed asset record directly from purchasing, during posting of a product receipt or vendor invoice.
  • Describe when the Fixed asset receipt and Fixed asset issue account types will be used.
  • Record depreciation.
  • Use proposals to enter fixed asset transactions.
  • Discuss value adjustments for fixed assets.
  • Discuss fixed asset disposals.
  • Describe where fixed asset transaction reversals are performed.
  • Perform fixed asset transaction reversals.
  • Describe how the replacement cost factor and the insured value factor on the asset group, are used to update an asset’s replacement cost and insured value amounts.
  • Process updates to an asset’s replacement cost and insured value amounts.
  • Copy a fixed asset.
  • Change a fixed asset group.
  • Enter a fixed asset addition.

This module focuses on how to run inquiries and reports in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Inquiries
  • Reports
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate the use of data inquiries available in Fixed assets.
  • Demonstrate how to run reports.

80303A: Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module describes the architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Microsoft Dynamics AX is a completely integrated solution and is web-enabled and supports Microsoft SQL Server. With customizable source code, the solution can be modified however and whenever it is necessary.

  • Introduction
  • Features of Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Architecture
  • Development Environment
  • Model Driven Architecture
  • Licensing and Configuration
Lab : Create a New Model and a Development Project
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the basic features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review basic form navigation.
  • Review the architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the options for making development changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the theory of Model Driven Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Review licensing and configuration.

This module introduces the tools and procedures used to create tables, data types, and relations that are required in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • Introduction
  • Course Details
  • MorphX and the Application Object Tree
  • Tables
  • Data Types: Primitive and Extended
  • Creating Tables
  • Indexes
  • Relations
  • Base Enumerations
  • Views
Lab : Create a New EDT
Lab : Create a New Table
Lab : Create a Primary Key
Lab : Create a Relation
Lab : Add an Enum
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain the MorphX development environment and the Application Object Tree
  • Design tables using MorphX
  • Describe the different data types within Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Create a new table
  • Learn how to create and modify indexes using MorphX
  • Describe relations on Microsoft Dynamics AX tables
  • Learn how to create and modify Enumerated data types
  • Learn how to create and modify views.

This module discusses how to develop the user interface without having to write any code.Forms are created so that the end-user can enter and view data. To make navigation easier for the end-user, menus and menu items will be created.

  • Introduction
  • Forms
  • Joining Data Sources
  • Menus Items
  • Form Templates
  • List Pages
  • FactBoxes
Lab : Create a Form
Lab : Create a Form from a Template
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Design and build Forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Join two data sources on a form.
  • Create customized menus and menu items.
  • Create a form using form templates.
  • Know the components of a list page.
  • Create a new FactBox.

This module describes the elements of Role Based Security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Introduction
  • Definitions
  • Set Up a New User
  • Assign a User to a Role
  • Change Duties on a Role
  • Change Privileges on a Duty
  • Assign a Permission to a Privilege
  • Investigate Access
Lab : Create a New Security Role
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the elements of Role Based Security in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Setup a new user.
  • Assign roles to a user.
  • Assign a security role to a user.
  • Edit duties assigned to a role.
  • Edit privileges assigned to a duty.
  • Edit permissions assigned to a privilege.
  • Search for roles with access to a menu item

Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module introduces the students to the characteristics of X++.

  • Introduction
  • Characteristics of X++
  • Development Tools
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Best Practices
Lab : Debug the Job
Lab : Create an XML Developer Document
Lab : Print to the Screen
Lab : Create a Data Model
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify key features of developing with X++.
  • Describe the basic foundation of object-oriented programming.
  • Use the development tools available within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Create object and data models from existing application elements by using the Reverse Engineering tool.
  • Use best practices to instill good programming habits.

This module explains how to use control statements in X++.

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Built-in Functions
  • Communication Tools
Lab : Create a Times Table Using a Do…while Loop
Lab : Create a Times Table Using a While Loop
Lab : Create a Times Table Using a for Statement
Lab : Create a YesNo Box
Lab : Create a Infolog Tree
Lab : Create a Dialog Box
Lab : Use X++ Control Statements
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Declare and use extended data types for variables.
  • Use the various operators available in X++.
  • Control program flow using conditional statements in X++.
  • Repetitively call the same blocks of code by using Loop statements.
  • Use standard functions that are built in to the application
  • Use output commands to display data and messages to the user.

This module discusses how to use classes and objects within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Introduction
  • Classes
  • Method Access Control
  • Inheritance
  • Objects
  • Scoping and Parameters in X++
  • Methods
  • Referencing Object Methods
  • Method Types
  • Table as Classes
  • Eventing
Lab : Create a New Class
Lab : Allow Access to Methods
Lab : Instantiating a Class
Lab : Use Method Parameters
Lab : Create a Run Method
Lab : Create a Calculator Class
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use the classes within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 X++ development
  • Control access to methods using Access Control Method Modifiers
  • Extend a class using the concept of inheritance
  • Describe the differences between an object and a class
  • Initialize variables in the appropriate place according to scoping rules
  • Call methods within the same class
  • Use the different method types available
  • Describe the similarities and differences between tables and classes
  • Use the eventing publisher and subscriber model when modifying code in the application.

This module explains how to develop modifications that interact with the database.

  • Introduction
  • Retrieving Data
  • Data Manipulation
  • Queries
Lab : Retrieving DataLab : UpdateLab : Create Query Using X++
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Retrieve data from the database using a select statement.
  • Create, update and delete data in the database.
  • Use and build queries using kernel classes.

This module discusses the mechanisms built in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to help with exception handling.

  • Introduction
  • Exceptions
  • Try and Catch Exceptions
  • Throwing Exceptions
  • Optimistic Concurrency Exceptions
Lab : Handle an Exception
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Examine the exception handling mechanism in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Use the Try, Catch, and Retry statements.
  • Throw an exception from code.
  • Identify and create code used to handle optimistic concurrency exceptions.

This module introduces some more advanced security features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Introduction
  • Permissions
  • Security Policies
  • Code Access Security
  • Display Method Authorization
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Set permissions on application elements
  • Design and create security policies
  • Secure unsafe Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) using the Code Access Security framework
  • Authenticate data returned from display methods.

Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module describes how the X++ Unit Test framework allows for unit tests to be created along with the code they are designed to test.

  • Introduction
  • Creating Test Cases
  • Adding Methods to Test Cases
  • Running Test Cases
  • Build Test Projects and Suites
Lab : Create a Test Case
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create a test case.
  • Add methods to a test case.
  • Run a test case.
  • Build a test project and suite.
  • Isolate test cases appropriately.

This chapter explains the correct approach to database functions when processing large amount of data in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • Introduction
  • While Select
  • Query
  • Caching
  • Locking
  • Temporary Tables
  • InitFrom
  • ParmTables
  • Date Effectiveness
  • Computed Columns in Views
  • Data Integration
Lab : Fetching Data
Lab : Converting Queries
Lab : Reducing Locking
Lab : Temporary Tables
Lab : Integrating External Data
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain the MorphX development environment and the Application Object Tree
  • Program optimal database access using a “while select” statement.
  • Program optimal database access using queries.
  • Describe the caching mechanisms in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Prevent and resolve database locking.
  • Use temporary tables in classes, forms, and reports.
  • List the reasons for using InitFrom methods.
  • Use ParmId and ParmTables.
  • Discuss date effectiveness and describe how to build date effective forms.
  • Add a computed column to a view.
  • Employ the various techniques available for integrating external data with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

This lesson introduces some of the most commonly used system classes, and demonstrates ways they can be used to support modifications.

  • Introduction
  • Collection Classes
  • Application Object Classes
  • Application Substituted Kernel Classes
  • RunBase Framework
  • Args Object
Lab : Create a Map
Lab : Create a Query from Code
Lab : Create a Global Method
Lab : Make a RunBase Class
Lab : Using Args
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use collection classes to store data in X++.
  • List which application objects control different Graphical User Interface (GUI) components.
  • Modify and use the Application Substituted Kernel Classes.
  • Extend the RunBase framework to create new batch processes.
  • Transfer information using the Args object.

This module provides a comprehensive foundation for using forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to interact with the end-user.

  • Introduction
  • Architecture
  • Data Sources
  • Form Controls
  • Form Methods
  • Placement of Code
  • Additional Controls
Lab : Create a Form
Lab : Use Unbound Controls
Lab : Initialize a Form
Lab : Add a Window Control
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify the main sections that make up a form.
  • Add data sources to a form to define what data is displayed by the form.
  • Add controls to a form to display data.
  • Modify form methods to the control how the form behaves when it opens and closes.
  • Make decisions about where to place the code.
  • Make runtime modification of the fetch of data.

This module explains the Visual Studio tools built specifically for Microsoft Dynamics AX development.

  • Introduction
  • Application Explorer
  • Visual Studio Projects
  • Managed Code Projects
  • Deploying Managed Code
  • Visual Studio Debugging Experience for X++
Lab : Create an Event Handler in Managed Code
Lab : Create a Managed Code Project
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explore the Application Object Tree (AOT) from Visual Studio.
  • Create a project in Visual Studio.
  • Write .NET managed code that uses X++ objects.
  • Deploy managed code.
  • Debug code using Visual Studio.

This module introduces the development side of creating a workflow. Workflow is a system in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 that allows business processes to be automated.

  • Workflow Configuration
  • Create a Workflow Category
  • Create a Query
  • Create a Workflow Type
  • Enable Workflow on a Form
  • Create a Workflow Approval
  • Create Event Handlers
  • Author a Workflow
Lab : Add another Condition to the Submit ActionLab : Enable Resubmit
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Configure how the workflow engine is executed on a server.
  • Specify which application module a workflow is applicable to using a workflow category.
  • Link tables to workflows using a query.
  • Create a new workflow type.
  • Apply a workflow to a form.
  • Define what happens when the workflow is approved or denied.
  • Create Event Handlers and apply them to a workflow.
  • Configure a workflow.

Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This module explains how developers can perform customizations using the number sequence framework.

  • Introduction
  • Set Up and Administration
  • Extensibility Scenarios
  • Using Number Sequences in Forms
Lab : 1.1 Implement a New Number Sequence
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the features of number sequences in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the steps for setting up and administering a number sequence.
  • Develop new number sequences by extending the NumberSeqApplicationModule class.
  • Use the Form Handler to create number sequences in a form.

This module provides descriptions of some frameworks, subsystems and features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Introduction
  • Event Handlers for Customization
  • Integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Interop to X++
  • Interop from X++
  • Deploy .NET Assemblies for Interop
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the concept of events and how they can be used in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Describe the various methods for integrating with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Describe the various types of services available in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Use a proxy class for .NET interop to X++.
  • Access managed assemblies from X++.
  • Explain how .NET Framework assemblies are deployed.

There are many application foundation features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This module introduces several of these features.

  • Introduction
  • Global Address Book
  • Extensible Data Security Policy Framework
  • Financial Dimension Framework
  • Organization Model Framework
  • Case Management Framework
  • Policy Framework
Lab : 3.1 Extensible Data Security Policies
Lab : 3.2 Extend Case Management
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe how to set up and use the Global Address Book.
  • Review the data model and classes for the Global Address Book framework.
  • Create a new entity for the Global Address Book.
  • Modify the Extensible Data Security policy for the new Global Address Book entity.
  • Retrieve an address from the Global Address Book on a transaction.
  • Describe how extensible data security policies can be used to help secure your data.
  • Create and use extensible data security policies.
  • Describe how financial dimensions are used.
  • Describe the various types of organizations available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe how the organization model is used throughout the system.
  • Create a custom operating unit, and organization type.
  • Describe how cases are used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Create a new case association type.
  • Add case management to a form.
  • Explain how policy rules are used.
  • Review the data model for the policies framework.
  • Create a new policy type and policy rule.

This module describes a series of tasks that show the functionality used in the General Ledger, Budgeting, and Fixed Assets modules.

  • Introduction
  • General Ledger Overview
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Journals and Transactions
  • Budgeting Overview
  • Fixed Asset Overview
Lab : 4.1 Create a System-Defined Dimension
Lab : 4.2 Import Ledger Transactions
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe currencies, exchange rates, fiscal calendars, and periods.
  • Describe the components that comprise the chart of accounts.
  • Review the steps for adding financial dimension controls to a form.
  • Create a new system-defined dimension.
  • Describe how journals and transactions are used to update the general ledger.
  • Describe how the Budgeting module is used.
  • Review the data model and key classes used for budgeting and budget checking.
  • Describe how the Fixed Assets module is used.
  • Review the data model for Fixed Assets.

This module highlights the new patterns used to represent item-product master data.

  • Introduction
  • Products
  • Inventory Dimensions
  • Managing Inventory Policies
Lab : 5.1 Product Information Management Workshop
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe how products are set up, released, and finalized.
  • Describe how inventory dimensions and groups are used to manage product information.
  • Review the data model for inventory dimensions.

This module explains the functionality offered by the Inventory and Warehouse Management module by describing a series of tasks that are performed by using the module.

  • Introduction
  • Reservations and Marking
  • Inquiries and Transactions
  • Inventory Journals
  • Quarantine and Quality Management
  • Other Functionality
Lab : 6.1 Import Beginning Balances
Lab : 6.2 Inventory Blocking
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe how reservations and marking are used in the system.
  • Review the inventory transactions and on hand inquiries.
  • Describe the data model for inventory transactions and on hand inventory.
  • Review the structure of the InventOnHand Class.
  • Explain how inventory journals are used.
  • Discuss the inventory journals data model and the structure of the InventJournalCheckPost classes.
  • Describe how quarantine management and quality management are used in the system.
  • Explain inventory blocking.
  • Describe other functionality that is available in the Inventory and Warehouse Management module.

This module reviews the functionality that is available for customers and vendors and the primary transactions that occur for each module.

  • Introduction
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Free Text Invoices
  • Vendor Invoices
  • Payments
  • Collection and Interest
  • Bills of Exchange
  • Promissory Notes
Lab : 7.1 Export Vendor Payments
Lab : 7.2 Transfer Balances
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the activities and transactions that can be created for customers.
  • Review the customer data model.
  • Describe the activities and transactions that can be created for customers.
  • Describe how free text invoices are used.
  • Review the data model and framework that is used for processing free text invoices.
  • Review the various ways that vendor invoices can be generated.
  • Describe the set up that is required for payments and review the data model for payment set up.
  • Describe how customer and vendor payments are made.
  • Review the customer payment data model and discuss the framework that is used for making and generating payments.
  • Describe how collections and interest notes are used.
  • Review the data model and framework for interest notes.
  • Describe the functionality that is available for bill of exchanges.
  • Describe the functionality that is available for promissory notes.

This module introduces the features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 that support the sales and purchase processes, and it also reviews the data models and coding patterns for many of the features.

  • Introduction
  • Sales and Purchase Orders
  • Agreements
  • Charges
  • FormLetter Framework
  • Other Features
Lab : 8.1 Add a Field to the Sales Invoice
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the general features that are supported with sales and purchase orders.
  • Describe how sales and purchase orders integrate with other modules,
  • Discuss the primary tables used in the purchase order flow.
  • Describe how the PurchType, PurchLineType, and PurchTotals classes work.
  • Describe how trade agreements are used and set up.
  • Review the data model for trade agreements.
  • Discuss how the trade agreement classes are used and can be extended.
  • Describe how sales and purchase agreements are used and set up.
  • Review the data model for sales and purchase agreements.
  • Discuss how the sales and purchase agreement classes are used and can be extended.
  • Describe how pricing policies are used.
  • Describe how charges are used and set up.
  • Review the data model for charges.
  • Describe how the FormLetter framework is used.
  • List the various documents that are processed through the FormLetter framework.
  • Describe the data model for updating documents.
  • Describe how the FormLetter classes relate to each other and generally work.
  • Describe how to make modifications to the FormLetter framework.
  • Describe the differences between the sales order and the sales quotation features, data model, and classes.
  • Describe the differences between the purchase order and the request for quotation features, data model, and classes.
  • Describe the differences between the purchase order and the purchase requisitions features, data model, and classes.
  • Explain how to use and set up categories and category hierarchies.
  • Review the data model for categories and category hierarchies.

This module introduces students to the Project management and Accounting module of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  • Introduction
  • Projects
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Journals and Transactions
  • Budgets and Forecasting
  • Project Contracts
  • Invoicing
  • Estimates and Revenue Recognition
  • Project Management and Accounting Add-In
Lab : 9.1 Warranty Item
Lab : 9.2 Put and Invoice Proposal on Hold
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe how projects are created, and the various types of projects that are available.
  • Review the data model for projects.
  • Discuss the significant classes that are used with projects.
  • Describe how the work breakdown structure is used with projects and how the data model relates to the project data model.
  • Discuss the transaction types that are used for journals in the Project management and Accounting module and how categories, pricing, and line properties control the posting of these transactions.
  • Review the data model and the ProjTrans class hierarchy that is used for posting transactions against a project.
  • Describe how budgeting and forecasting works with projects.
  • Review the data model for budgets and forecasts.
  • Describe how project contracts are used.
  • Review the data model for project contracts.
  • Describe how project invoice proposals and invoices are generated in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Review the data model and classes used for generating invoice proposals and invoices.
  • Review how estimate projects and cost templates are used in the system.
  • Describe the Project Management and Accounting Add-In.

This module discusses the major components of the Production Control module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

  • Introduction
  • Bill of Materials
  • Routes
  • Production Orders
  • Scheduling
  • Planned Production Orders
  • LEAN Manufacturing
  • Process Industries
Lab : 10.1 Bill of Material
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Review the basics of bill of materials and the data model
  • Introduce routes and operations.
  • Describe the major features of production orders.
  • Review scheduling methods, resources and jobs.
  • Describe master planning and the planned production order journal model.
  • Introduce lean manufacturing, Kanban, and production flow models.
  • Review Process Industries in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

This module introduces advanced development topics that explain how to implement line-item workflows, create workflow work item queues, create new workflow providers, implement currency support in the Condition Editor, and implement conditions on fields that represent hierarchies in the Condition Editor.

  • Introduction
  • Line-Item Workflows
  • Workflow Providers
  • Work Item Queues
  • Currency in the Condition Editor
  • Hierarchy Type Fields in the Condition Editor
Lab : 11.1 Workflow Workshop
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Implement a new line-item workflow.
  • Review the workflow providers in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Create a custom workflow provider.
  • Enable queues for a workflow document.
  • Discuss how currency type fields function within the Condition Editor.
  • Review the steps required to implement a new hierarchy type field to be used in the Condition Editor.

This module introduces students to the features of SSRS and shows how to create simple reports by using a query and an auto-design. In addition, a complex report using by the new report data provider framework in a precision design is reviewed.

  • Introduction
  • Reporting Features Overview
  • Report Data Overview
  • Creating Basic Reports from a Query
  • Create a Precision Design Report from a Report Data Provider
  • Manage Report Execution by Using X++
  • Business Logic in Report Data Methods
  • Print Management
Lab : 12.1 Report Workshop
After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Explain the report capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe the key concepts involved when specifying data for your reports.
  • Create a new query and then bind the query to a new SQL Server Reporting Services report together with an auto design.
  • Add sorting, grouping, filters, and parameters to a report.
  • Save, deploy, and view a report in Microsoft Dynamics AX..
  • Discuss the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
  • Define the report dataset.
  • Create a temporary table to store the report dataset.
  • Manage report parameters in a data contract class in X++.
  • Create a report data provider (RDP) class.
  • Work with report precision design.
  • Explain how to print a report, set the print settings, prevent the display of print setup, set the query range, and set a report parameter value in X++.
  • Review how reports bound to a report data method can contain business logic to access data.
  • Describe the components of print management and the steps that are used to implement each component of print management.


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